Permanent Solution - Elevated evacuation Domes and Dome Houses with high open columns

A tall Dome with HIGH OPEN Column that people is able to stay above 30 feet from the avoid the storm surge. SAVE LIFE FIRST ...

1. The HIGH OPEN Column allows the water to flow freely thus not allowing the running water to stuck up to 30 feet ...
2. Open Column instead of full-wall-covered dome to minimize the point of impact from the strong wind
3. Dome concrete-ROUND-seamless wall and roof design again minimize the point of impact from the strong wind.
Please build a huge concrete high-open column evacuation domes for Pinoys.....
Temporary Solution - Force evacuation with 50% discount on ship and airplane tickets to safe provinces outside of typhoon path.

Permanent Solution
1. Building permanent - elevated evacuation domes and dome homes with high open columns2. Placing metal handrails on coconut trees and electric posts so people can climb in case of flood - storm surge or tsunami.
3. Manufacture or buy typhoon life-saver ball (optional)
Check huge domes and its ecoshells domes. Our local government should build some elevated evacuation center domes (save human lives) and those that are living beside the seashore, they can build elevated dome houses (saves houses or properties).
Benefit of DOME design - (Check how to build dome homes)
1. The dome's concrete wall and roof are both strong and curve providing less air-resistance from strong typhoon winds thus less damage.
Proof that Dome House design can SURVIVE Tornado, Typhoon, Hurricane, Storm Surge, and Floods

a Dome structure survives a tornado in Moore oklahoma in May 20, 2013

A beach dome house survives a Hurrican Dennis in 2005 at Pensacola Beach Florida..
Here is what an elevated echoshell or dome houses looks like.. this is just a mock up design, i hope your city engineers can enhance this design.

If dome houses are really expensive... there is another way of building typhoon proof houses like the Earthbag Building..
If a dome house is really expensive, we have another option such as the elevated house like this design here.

Metal Handrails on trees and electric posts
Placing metal handrails on coconut trees and electric posts so people can climb in case of flood - storm surge or tsunami. Jason Baldado, climbed a coconut tree to keep himself safe from the flood

Here is a concrete post and a dome house with tower

Life-saver Ball
Manufacture or buy typhoon life-saver ball (optional) check this post about life-saver ball..

Just in case you are caught in a flood , check this concept on how to survive a flood.

The second solution is temporary and might be expensive and redundant cause typhoons will always occur...
Temporary Solution
Provinces outside the typhoon path is SAFE, FUNCTIONAL, CLEAN and SECURE.Once a super typhoon is expect to enter Philippine area of responsibility (PAR), the local government can set-up a campaign to provide evacuation centers outside their provinces. It is best to feed and care the evacuees at a safe and clean city. The transportation of relief goods is faster, less traffic cause the roads are all functional - compare to loading and unloading relief trucks to Leyte roads that created a bad traffic and delay of goods.

The Ship and Airplane operators and owners may not like the idea for some credible reasons.
1. What if the typhoon did not hit that province.
2. Overload might cause accidents and ships running on bad weather is dangerous.
People that will be evacuated will not evacuate even with 50% ticket discount for some credible reasons too.
1. Typhoon might change direction.
2. Somebody might steal something from their house.
Typhoon is a permanent problem that needs a permanent solution.
We all know that Eastern Visayas is closer to Pacific Ocean - so typhoons / super-typhoons was, is, and will be coming from this direction, follow this path and hit this places first.
If you are from Leyte, Samar, Bohol or Cebu.. try to approach your Barangay Captian, show him this website and ask him if there is something he can do about implementing any of the given solutions above. Your and your families' life is more important and prevention is still the best thing, providing the best and permanent solution is the way to go...
Doola inyong barangay kapitan bai ... ipakita ni nga page, pangutan-a kung naa ba siyay mahimo para ma buhat bisan usa aning mga paagi-tabang nga nakabutang sa taas... inyong kapitan modool na siyag Mayor, then Major didto sa inyong Congressman, dayun didto sa Senador, then President... testingi lang og dool...

This are my personal opinions on how to save people and properties during super typhoons like Yolanda and Ruby Hagupit. I'm just sharing this ideas in hope that some Politicians and Engineers will implement or even enhance the concepts that im offering here. I am not an engineer myself nor a Politicians. I've experienced some devastating typhoons like Ruping and Netang, ive seen houses flip over that i hope one day we will be able to permanent solve this problem.
Live saving concepts by John Paul Paquibot